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The issue of international crossings is expanding and now we bring you Canada Border Times. Dedicated to provide all the information you need to cross the border between the United States and Canada.

The border between Canada and the United States is the border with the longest territorial limit in the world, and that is how it is known. It is popularly known as the International Border, adding portions of the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as the Great Lakes, and measures a total of 8,891 km.

The preceding history of the Canadian border takes place in 1783 when the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies put an end to the War of Independence of the United States with the Treaty of Paris, where the territorial limit between both countries was agreed, managing to delimit the territory that would be called Canada, and the United States.

This border is known as "the longest undefended border" and is comprised of the territories of Ontario, British Columbia, Yukon, Quebec, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Alberta. Although it is "not defended" clear that it presents reasons why you can get inadmissible to enter the country as they can be:

• Represents a risk to the country's security.

• Has committed human rights violations or serious crimes.

• Has a criminal or criminal record, including being convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

• Lied on the application for admission or during the interview.

• Has links to organized crime.

• Has serious health and / or financial problems.

• He has falsified documents.

• You have breached the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

• Has an inadmissible family member.

• You have exceeded your allowed time of stay in Canada.

But on the other hand, the country and its border has always been characterized by being very friendly with foreign visitors. Canada Border Times is a platform to share and find information regarding waiting times at international crossings.

Make a trip from the USA to Canada, and go through a border involves important situations to consider, time is an important factor, we must take into account an itinerary, the gasoline to be taken care of, the insurance to travel, the documentation that you must carry, but the times are also very important, so we will know what awaits us and we will plan the route we can take and how much money we will spend on the trip.

The objective of the Canada Border Times is to build an information network between users to share the experiences and the "live" status of the waiting lines. The Mission is to be a reliable report to which users resort to the need or objective of travel.

Traveling does not have to be a problem, besides wanting to enjoy the beautiful views that Canada can offer, it should not be a complicated trip. Canada Border Times, is a sister page, which, as in ALPUENTE, offers schedules, waiting time, updates, news and relevant notes to the crossing of that international pass.

Canada Border Times provides information about the borders: Alexandria bay, Blaine, Buffalo, Calais, Champlain, Derby line, Detroit, Highgate Springs, International Falls, Jackman, Lynden, Madawaska, Massena, Norton, Ogdensburgt, Pembina, Port Huron, Sault Ste Marie, Sumas, and Sweet Grass. With the goal of becoming a social platform that benefits the citizens who travel to Canada, sharing images and necessary details to know, for a safe, comfortable trip, without problems, in addition to providing information regarding permits and situations of interest , invests in compilation and updating that give the user the opportunity and the confidence to use this platform as a reliable information base.


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